CHIRAC et al. [so are Fransciscans
allowed to wear robes? nuns habits? priests collars? viva viva viva viva l'difference]
'Qaeda tapes' warn of more attacks
Tuesday, February 24, 2004 Posted: 9:13 AM EST (1413 GMT)
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- Tapes attributed to Osama bin Laden's
top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, have warned that more terror attacks are coming and criticized France's push to ban Islamic
head scarves in schools.
. . .
"The Islamic nation which sent you the New York and Washington brigades has taken a firm decision to send you successive
brigades to sow death and aspire to paradise."
Addressing the American people, the voice said: "Whenever you receive a coffin, /you/ should remember
the U.S. crimes all over the world." . . .
