Long live IRAQ |
Long live President Saddam Hussein |
Interview with President Hussein:
An interview with Saddam Hussein Sandy Shanks The Daily Tribune Last Updated: Tuesday, January 04th, 2005 03:12:32 PM
The 4 1/2-hour interview
took place between Saddam and one of his defense lawyers, a Mr. Khalil Douleïmi. The exchange took place in some secluded
and secure place in Iraq, probably near Baghdad International Airport. The conversation between Saddam and his lawyer was
published in "al Ousboua" (the week) by its editor Mustapha Bakri. At this writing, the mainstream American press
apparently didn’t think it was newsworthy. [emphasis added]
[or we have once again had our news 'blacked out']
Douleïmi reported that the former dictator was “in good health and serene.” After reading
some of his own poetry, Saddam got down to business with his friendly interrogator by answering a few scripted questions.
After waxing prophetic on the illegalities of the Iraqi war, the illegality of the court in Iraq judging him, and, in general,
how life can be so darn unfair, Saddam provided what he thought was a stunner. He stated calmly,
“He [Bush] will leave Iraq by the small door because Iraqi Resistance is
well prepared. It was prepared quite ahead of war. I had joined together the military and political commands and we had prepared
this new page of the war against the Americans. What arrives today is not the fruit of chance.”
Readers of this column are not the least bit shocked by Saddam’s statement. They read here on
Aug. 22, 2003, “… captured documents ‘have given some indication that preparations for a resistance movement
were made prior to the war.’ [They] further state that General Abizaid, CENTCOM’s commander, views the current
fighting in Iraq a ‘classical guerilla-type campaign,’ and that the resistance is comprised of the paramilitary
Fedayeen Saddam, and ‘Republican Guard soldiers.’ ” A later article, on Sept. 2, added the elite Presidential
Guards, 26,000 stone-cold, dedicated killers . . .The mainstream press hasn’t mentioned this crack unit
since March 2003, but loyalists of this column have been reminded several times. . . . our military commanders,
including the C-in-C, President Bush, knew that the enemy would fade away into the populace and become guerilla fighters.
How else can you explain that we sent two divisions, the 3rd I.D. and 1st MarDiv, to take Baghdad against an Iraqi regular
army that consisted of three armored divisions, three mechanized divisions, and 11 infantry divisions along with six elite
Republican Guards divisions, the latter being well-paid, well-fed, and well-equipped. . . . our brave
and beloved troops, be they army, Marine, Navy, or Coast Guard, were being led by chronically inept leadership who thought
it would be easy, leadership that declared an end to “major combat” on May 1, 2003. That declaration by our President
gives surrealism a whole new meaning. Also, it appears that the enemy can hit where it wants, when it wants. The Jan. 30 elections
in Iraq are pure illusory. Iraqis will need body armor to vote. Equally delusional is that we need only 150,000 troops to
subdue this.